
Google backup and sync app for mac
Google backup and sync app for mac


Here you will see a list of the computers that you set up with Backup and Sync.

google backup and sync app for mac

On the Navigation Menu on the left, click on the Computers option. To view files you backed up from your Desktop to your Google Drive, simply open a web browser and sign in to your Google Drive. NOTE: If you do NOT want to Sync any folder from your Google Drive to your Desktop, select the ‘Sync Only these folders’ option and Uncheck all the folders shown. You can Select to Sync everything in your Google Drive to Your Desktop. Use this option if you want to easily access files in your Google Drive straight from your Desktop without having to open a web browser. Next you can select to Sync current folders you have in your Google Drive to your Desktop. You can choose from pre-selected system folders or choose a specific folder to back up.


The setup process is the same for both Mac and Windows Users.ĭownload Google’s Backup & Sync from here.Ĭhoose the folders on your Desktop that you want to continuously back up to your Google Drive. In addition, you can easily make files that are located in your Google Drive, available on your Desktop. This means that any changes you make to files being backed up on your Desktop, will automatically Sync with the versions located in your Google Drive after you save them. It also has the useful function to actively Sync your files to your Google Drive. Google’s Backup and Sync can be used to back up your Desktop files to your Google Drive.

google backup and sync app for mac

You can use both Backup and Sync and Drive File Stream together on the same computer, but Google will prompt you to exclude File Stream from syncing processes.Use Google’s Backup and Sync To Backup Your Files

google backup and sync app for mac

See Google’s side-by-side comparison chart: Choose a Sync Solution. As such, while it is a consumer application, it may be utilized for UC P3 (Formerly UCB PL1) data. Backup and Sync may be used by bConnected account holders, and is covered under our G Suite Terms of Service with Google. In general, we recommend that bConnected users utilize the enterprise capabilities offered by Drive File Stream. Each computer that you backup with Backup and Sync has its own named folder in Google Drive on the web, found in the ‘Computers’ section, which is separate from the ‘My Drive’ section where your Google Drive files are normally stored. This can also include attached devices such as drives, or SD cards. Once signed into your Google account, pick the folders that you want to back up, such as Desktop, Documents, and Photos. It provides the same functionality as Drive for Mac/PC did, but also backs up any folder on your computer which you choose to. Backup and Sync backs up files and photos safely in Google Drive and Google Photos.

google backup and sync app for mac

The next time you connect, those changes will be synced to Google Drive on the web, and your work will be saved there.īackup and Sync is the consumer successor to the Google Photos desktop uploader and Drive sync app, and is intended for your personal account.


You can also choose to keep certain files or folders offline for editing while you are not connected to the internet. Drive File Stream allows you to stream files, similar to how you stream movies on demand. This means you'll use almost none of your hard drive space and spend less time waiting for files to sync. Drive File Stream is a desktop application designed for organizations, that allows you to quickly access all of your Google Drive files on demand, directly from your computer.

Google backup and sync app for mac